Areas of Focus
Care Focused

Research Focused

Our Values
Quality Focused

Natural Focused

Our Mission
Agronomed Pharmaceuticals is committed to advancing the Medical Cannabis industry with a primary focus on developing and researching products targeted for specific indications for the best medical efficacy.
For more than 70 years, US federal restrictions have increased the difficulty for private sector companies to perform open and unbiased research coupled with limited federal funding and lack of focus of NIH and government sponsored (US) research, deep understanding of the beneficial effects* of the chemical compounds that exist in the Cannabis plant are still in a relatively early development stage.
Cannabis contains more than 480 chemical compounds and more than 80 currently known to only exist in the Cannabis plant, some countries such as Israel and Great Britain have been more liberal in allowing or funding Cannabis research and are currently at the forefront of the research currently available. It is Agronomed's mission to help advance the research of Cannabis based or infused product development. Ultimately to become a leading provider of proven, pharmaceutical products containing Cannabis compounds.
The large number of chemical compounds that are present in Cannabis leads us to believe that advancements in product efficacy are best achieved through a combination of appropriate, non-biased studies focusing on product's chemical profiles mapped to patient outcomes for specific ailments. Continual application and focus on the aspects of biochemistry and bio-genetics direct the product and studies outcomes accordingly.
It is our mission to develop effective formulations based on biochemistry and bio-genetics, drive patient based clinical trials to improve or refine formulations, leverage technology to analyze data collected on patient outcomes and feed that data back into the product development life cycle.

Our Background
Founded in Chester County, Pa, Agronomed Pharmaceuticals LLC is a minority owned and operated by a team of doctors, pharmacists, pharmacologists, and entrepreneurs. We are committed to being a premier researcher and provider of medical cannabis products to patients in need and advance the medical acceptance of cannabis in the health care community as whole.
Our strong understanding in agronomy, chemical extraction, pharmaceutical manufacturing and pharmaceutical compliance, enables our diverse team of researchers to develop high quality, branded and patented formulations to improve the quality of life for our patients, and drive the pharmaceutical science and acceptance of medical cannabis.